Whatever you’re going through share it with someone

Sometimes our thoughts and feelings can overwhelm us.  If you are starting to feel overwhelmed, it’s important to acknowledge your feelings and speak openly and honestly about your mental health.

Talking is one of the first steps to improving mental health.  Speak to someone you trust whether that’s a friend, colleague or a family member, or a helpline – there are lots of support options open to you like the one’s below.


Employee Assistance Programme

Find out more on our Employee Assistance Programme or call 0800 111 6387.


It is a service for all colleagues that provides information, advice and emotional supports.

This includes:

  • a helpline answered by a qualified advisor/counsellor
  • immediate psychological guidance and emotional support when things are getting you down
  • post critical incident support
  • online wellbeing hub my-eap

Plus assistance for managers by offering a resource they can use in managing and assisting staff.

Lanarkshire mind matters

Lanarkshire Mind Matters Logo

NHS Lanarkshire Adult Psychology Services runs the  Lanarkshire mind matters support with the aim of linking you to mental health information, advice and help, wherever you live in Lanarkshire north or south.

Scotland’s national mental health charity

Contact SAMH  on 01698 265659 (Motherwell Office) or 01236 439418 (Airdrie office)


Breathing Space

Contact Breathing Space  on 0800 83 85 87




NHS Staff Care and Wellbeing team (available to Health and Social Care colleagues)

The Staff Care and Wellbeing team provide spiritual care and wellbeing to any staff who work in health and social care across the NLC and the NHS.  Find out more here.

The 24 hour helpline number is 01698 752000 and email is staffcare@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk .

Check out the The Staff Care and Wellbeing Twitter account @StaffCareNHSL.

Education Support

Education Support : Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning

Contact  Education Support on 08000 562 561.  Its the the only UK charity dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of teachers.

Not a big talker? Check out the going home checklist

It’s good to talk. Peer and social support are often the best buffers against stress and adversity.  It’s good to talk, but not everyone are ‘talkers’. That’s OK too but make sure you give yourself space to process the events of the day and deal with your feelings.  The going home checklist can really help with doing that.