Online workshop – pre retirement planning

To support colleagues approaching retirement we provide for colleagues pre-retirement planning workshops to encourage a positive and realistic approach to a financially secure retirement, helping you to make informed choices about your retirement.

All colleagues considering retirement within the next three years will benefit from attending a workshop.

Course Objectives

  • What actions and choices need to be considered in the lead up to retirement with pension plans
  • What the State Pension may provide and when
  • What are the key considerations to take into account with savings and investments
  • What needs to be considered to combat inflation

  • Understanding tax allowances on savings and investments and how to maximise availability of these allowances in retirement
  • Understand the next steps and where to receive further guidance and regulated financial advice



  • Thursday 16th November from 13:00 – 15:30

Webinar hosting

The session will be on microsoft teams.  You will be able to access it by clicking a provided link.


Please click here to register.

Further Info

More details are available here

Find out more

on your pension and additional voluntary contribution (AVC) options available to you