Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is a way of giving money to charity without paying tax on it.  We’ve teamed up with Payroll Giving in Action to provide all colleagues the opportunity to get involved in Payroll Giving.

Why get involved?

Donating to charities tax-free directly through your salary, Payroll Giving, is the most tax-efficient way to give.

Over 1 million people donate to charities through their pay and together they’ve raised over £2 billion for good causes.

By taking part you can donate tax-free to any charity, good cause or place of worship of their choice.

Your benefits

Easy and convenient – straight from your pay
Tax-effective – it costs less to give more
Supports the causes you care about
Flexible – control over how much you want to donate
Deductions can only take place when you are employed.
No bank details required

Charity benefits

Charity receives your donation direct into their bank account.
Charity receives full tax relief up front.
Employer matching adds value to your donation.
Regular, reliable income for charity


Your donation is tax-free

Every £10 donated costs you £8 if you pay regular tax or just £6 if you pay higher

Every £5 donated costs you £4 if you pay regular tax or just £3 if you pay higher