Welcome to work well NL - routes to work!

work well NL is your home for all the wellbeing supports & benefits available to you as a Routes to Work colleague

Think well

Talk about it

Share how you are feeling

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Supporting others

How to support a colleague/family/friends who appears to be stressed

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National supports

Help from national supports

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Key supports

Access some really helpful online supports on everyday issues that affect your mental health

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Exploring your stress

Take a moment to look at your stresses

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Baby loss

Information and support for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby

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Financially well

Cost of living help

Take the first step towards getting on top of things

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Confidential supports

Supports available for routes to work colleagues

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Credit Unions

Great opportunities for savings, loans and debt consolidation straight from your salary

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North Lanarkshire money and benefits support

Advice & supports from NL experts

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Money management tools

Interactive tools focused on financial wellbeing

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Money management tips

Best of the webs financial wellbeing advice & supports

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Shop well

Shopping discounts platform

Save big

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Get active for less

Heavily discounted and free activities ideas

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Active challenges

Get involved in two active challenges with up to 33% off

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Move well

Keep moving

Support with movement

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Being active

Check out some great ways to be active

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Health supports

Supports to help keep you healthy and active

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Socially well

Staying in touch

Tops ideas for remote teams staying in touch

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Local groups

Find out about local groups in Lanarkshire that you can get involved in

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Anxious or stressed?

Advice on coping with anxiety & stress

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Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse information and support

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Managing loneliness

Develop skills to cope with loneliness, build confidence and connect

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