Your pension

Our Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is operated by Strathclyde Pension Fund. It has over 210,000 members and £20bn of investments and is one of the two biggest LGPS funds, one of the top 20 UK pension funds and one of the top 50 European pension funds.

Lots of information on your Local Government Pension Scheme is available on the Strathclyde Pension Fund website.





 Additional Voluntary Contributions

You can support your pension by becoming part of the Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) scheme or  Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contribution (SCAVC) scheme.  Employees considering this option should first of all have a look at frequently asked questions on NLC AVC and SCAVC with Prudential.

If you do want to apply contact the Prudential on 0345 600 0343 or visit

Once you have set up the AVC or  SCAVC with Prudential you then need to fill out the NLC SC(AVC) application form .


 Retirement planning

 Attend a workshop on one of life’s biggest transitions

Online workshop – pre retirement planning

To support colleagues approaching retirement we provide for colleagues pre-retirement planning workshops to encourage a positive and realistic approach to a financially secure retirement, helping you to make informed choices about your retirement.

All colleagues considering retirement within the next three years will benefit from attending a workshop.

Course Objectives

-Explore changes in lifestyles
-Identify where income is expected to come from and how it is taxed differently in retirement
-Understand the State Pension and different types of workplace pensions
-Learn about the risks and rewards involved in savings and investments
-Discover why increased life expectancy escalates the dangers of inflation and how to combat it
-Find out how to ensure your estate is passed to your intended beneficiaries
-Understand Inheritance Tax
-Understand the next steps and where to receive further guidance and regulated financial advice


Pension type – Local Government Pension Scheme

  • Tuesday 24 September from 13:00-15:30
  • Thursday 7 November from 09:30-12:00

Webinar hosting

The session will be on Microsoft Teams. 

You will be able to access it by clicking a provided link.


Please click here to register.

Further Info

More details are available here or view the Retirement Promotional Video.